DAGVIZ Metro styling options

This notebook demonstrates the various Metro styling options.

In order to apply styling we need to call render_svg by hand with the appropriate renderer and style configuration.

First we construct a simple graph that demonstrates all the visual aspects a rendering may have.

Default rendering

Without any configuration, we get (of course) the default rendering:


The scale setting determines the amount of space each node has:

Node radius

The node radius determines the size of the bubbles:

Node fill

By default the node fill color is automatically selected. This can be overriden by specifying a fixed color:

Node stroke

The node stroke specifies the color of the border of the bubble:

Node stroke width

The node stroke width determines the width of the border of the bubbles:

Edge stroke width

The edge stroke width determines the width of the edges:

Label font family

The default font family for labels is "sans-serif". This can be changes too:

Label arrow stroke

The label arrow stroke determines the color of the line from node to label:

Label arrow dash array

The label arrow dash array determines how the label arrow is dashed:

Arc radius

The arc radius determines the radius of the arc from vertical line to a node: